Tips & Trends

How to Choose Replacement Windows

Finding the Right Fit for You & Your Home Owning a home for a while means you have time to learn its ins and outs – literally! Whether your home was built more recently or decades ago, you eventually discover

Exciting & Intuitive Kitchen Trends

There’s been a lot of big things happening with kitchen trends especially now that many of us are starting to get back to our normal routines. Because even though we’re out and about more, it’s where you fuel your day.

When is the Best Time to Replace Windows?

Hint: the answer may surprise you! If you’re in need of new windows but don’t think it’s the right time of year to complete the project—think again. There’s nothing worse than living with drafty, rattling, or leaky windows. Especially as

Do You Need New Windows? Free Infographic.

Not sure if your home needs new windows? Our helpful infographic will give you an overview of what to look for when examining your old windows, as well as some of the benefits and potential savings you can enjoy.

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